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Name and Surname: Jan Bata
Academic Degrees: M.A., Ph.D.
Year and Place of Birth: 1979 Prague (Czech Republic)
Institutional Affiliation: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Musicology

Curriculum Vitae: Graduated in musicology from the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, where he also received Ph. D. in 2011 (Music and Musical Culture in the Old Town of Prague 1526–1620). He works at the Institute of Musicology of Charles University in Prague as an assistant professor. His field of research is the musical culture of the Renaissance in Bohemia, especially music in Prague in the 16th and early 17th centuries. For the Association for Central European Cultural Studies he developped several individual research projects (Critital Edition of Benešov Hymnbook; Musical Culture in Prague 1526–1620. Situation, Sources, Institutions, both supported by Czech Science Foundation).

Relevant Bibliography:
1. Kutnohorský kodex: (Praha, Národní muzeum - České muzeum hudby, sign. AZ 33). Praha: KLP, 2008, xxxii, 240 p. (= Clavis monumentorum musicorum Regni Bohemiae. Series A; I). ISBN 978-80-86791-21-0.
2. Jezuité a hudební kultura předbělohorské Prahy. Glosy ke vzájemné interakci na příkladu klementinské mariánské sodality [Jesuits and Prague musical culture before the Battle of White Mountain. Remarks on a mutual interaction on the example of Marian Congregation at the Clementinum College]. In: Petronilla Cemus, ed. Bohemia Jesuitica 1556-2006, Praha 2010, p. 1003-1009.
3. Numero Arithmetico notata Series officiorum pro Choro Musico Ustensi (1588) aneb pramen polyfonie plný překvapení [Numero Arithmetico notata Series officiorum pro Choro Musico Ustensi (1588) or a Polyphonic Source Full of Surprises]. In: Musicologica Istropolitana X-XI, 2011-2012, p. 45-67 (with Petr Danek).
4. Quod non fecerunt Gothi, fecerunt Scoti aneb Dva příběhy z rudolfínské Prahy [Quod non fecerunt Gothi, fecerunt Scoti or Two episodes from Rudolfinian Prague]. In: Clavibus Unitis 3, 2014, p. 5-16.

Links: http://musicology.ff.cuni.cz/profil-bata.htm

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